Patient Story: Julian from Argentina
Julian (bottom left) is pictured with his mom (left), along with two hospital team members (right) in Santiago del Estero. The Neurologist from Garrahan Hospital who treated Julian can be seen in the telehealth device (center).
Julian is a three year old boy who lives in the Santiago del Estero countryside of Northern Argentina with his five brothers. Julian was admitted to the local hospital because he was experiencing weakness in his limbs and difficulty breathing. His condition deteriorated rapidly, and it wasn’t long before he progressed to respiratory failure, requiring breathing support with a ventilator.
The healthcare providers at his local hospital ruled out a number of possible diagnoses such as a spider bite or toxin. They performed a number of tests including an MRI, but could not identify the problem from the scan. There was not much more that the local healthcare providers could do for Julian without consulting a Neurologist. Without telehealth, Julian’s only option would have been to fly to Buenos Aires and receive care at a larger hospital. Not only would transport be a dangerous in his condition, but required a flight that his family could not afford.
Thanks to the World Telehealth Initiative program in Argentina, the physicians in Santiago del Estero were able to consult with the Neurology department at Garrahan Hospital in Buenos Aires. The Neurologists from Garrahan assessed Julian’s condition via telehealth and examined his MRI scans. They found tiny lesions in Julian’s nerves, and diagnosed him with a condition where critical spinal nerves become inflamed or damaged and lose function, leading to paralysis. The Neurologists recommended that Julian be treated with two medications, immunoglobulin and corticosteroids, through an IV.
After receiving the necessary medications, Julian showed rapid improvement and can now breathe on his own. Thanks to the WTI program, Julian is feeling much better and enjoying being back home with his family again.